What: Online webinar offered as part of National Network of Libraries of Medicine Southeastern/Atlantic Regional Library’s continuing education series
Date: October 3, 2019, 2-3 p.m. Eastern Standard Time
Resources: Download the slides.
Date: 19/3/2019 Time: 2:00 PM Eastern Time Format: Free online webinar.
Summary: Shared use occurs when government entities or other organizations agree to open their facilities for use by the broader community. Although not typically described as such, this type of activity increasingly occurs in libraries throughout the country, and beyond. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (2017) reports that at the public library in Monterey Park, California, “line dance leader Kit Cheung teaches her class in an unlikely place —the parking lot of a local library.” Librarians increasingly “share” their spaces in this way. Another common example is summer meal programs, where libraries serve as meal sites, but not typically meal program sponsors. This webinar gives you the information you need to bring shared use partnerships to your library. We’ll go over how to reach out to potential partners, how to develop memorandums of understanding, how to work through perceptions of legal liability, and how to institutionalize shared use agreements. The focus will be on shared use agreements to increase healthy living practices, particularly around Healthy Eating and Active Living (HEAL).
Presenters: Noah Lenstra, UNC at Greensboro Department of Library and Information Science, coordinator of Let’s Move in Libraries