Everyone has a role to play in increasing healthy living, including libraries! The Let’s Move in Libraries Project receives its inspiration from Former First Lady, Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move! initiative, which from 2010 to 2017 focused on increasing healthy living among Americans through the promotion of Healthy Eating and Active Living, or HEAL, across the entirety of the US federal government.
Let’s Move in Libraries continues to focus on the critical importance of community collaboration to community health. In Fall 2023, Let’s Move in Libraries launched the “I Partner With My Public Library Award Celebrating Community Collaborators,” the first award of its type. In this award we seek to shine a light on the health departments, the Yoga instructors, the Parks & Recreation agencies, the Master Gardeners, the local businesses, and the many, many others who collaborate with public libraries to transform communities. Read more below about the Award Winners in 2023 and 2024 and get your nominations ready for 2025!

You’ve heard the adage “Teamwork makes the dream work,” but what does that actually mean, and how do we apply this principal to our work in libraries?
As part of a federally-funded project, for a year and a half we interviewed 129 individuals in 18 communities across America (25 library directors/managers, 44 front-line library workers, and 60 library partners) to learn more how teamwork makes their dreams work.
Cultivating and sustaining the relationship-driven library has four steps: 1) planting the seeds of partnership, 2) nurturing co-developed ideas, 3) harvesting and celebrating accomplishments, and 4) resting and preparing for future partnerships.
This toolkit will help you discover renewed confidence in your ability to find partners, cultivate working relationships with them, and keep relationships fresh and impactful, as well as how to tactfully step back from relationships that aren’t working the way you hoped they would. Finally, you’ll learn how to advocate for the time you need for this process.
- Libraries support early literacy through healthy, inter-generational play activities that contribute to the development of fine and gross motor skills.
- Begin lifelong culinary literacy in programs that introduce new foods and flavors
- Take your programs outdoors with a StoryWalk®!
- Libraries have become a place where you meet up with friends and fit physical and culinary literacy into your daily life.
- We can help you stay healthy! Interested in preparing for your first 5K? Thinking about starting Yoga, Zumba, dancing? Want to learn more about gardening or cooking? It’s time to start active and engaging programs at your local library!
- The library becomes a safe and fun space for healthy living as schools reduce physical education and home economics offerings.
- Learn more about Yoga, running, Nerf capture the flag, miniature golf and other popular program ideas.
- Supercharge your Summer Reading programs with fun, healthy living activities!
- Regular physical activities help seniors maintain their ability to do the everyday things they love doing.
- Chair yoga, Silver Sneakers, Tai Chi and balance classes support independence, strength and brain function.
- Your library can become a great place to gather with friends and meet new people around food and shared meals.