Libraries grow and move in Třinec, Czech Republic

Třinec Library, Czech Republic

Part 1: Community Garden at the Library
Community gardens are not uncommon in libraries abroad. For example, in Aarhus, Denmark, all ages take care of the library garden. Inspired by these examples, on Earth Day 2019, the Třinec Library and volunteers from Mklub — a library-led youth space open to all ages, but with a special focus on people aged 13 to 30 — gathered together plastic boxes, old banners and pallets they had at their disposal. Then, everyone who was interested decorated them and planted plants in them. We obtained the soil free of charge in cooperation with the City of Třinec. The seeds and plants were brought by each participant.
Within a month, the community garden’s greenery, located in front of the Mklub, prompted many to stop and to explore. Many came in and wanted to know where we got the soil from, what we were actually growing and the garden, and why we started a garden. Our patrons and readers took home with them cucumbers and strawberries. They always asked first if they could pluck one from the garden, and were very happy with the final harvest. We also used the garden for celebrations and for meetings with volunteers. It became a gathering spot and a spot to celebrate.
Part 2: The Library in Motion through Community Partnerships

Thanks to the Třinec Cultural and Community Curators project, we try to open the library space to the wishes, visions and ideas of our library patrons. In 2018, we approached, among others, Patrik Čavoj  from  Fit Factory Třinec  and Eva Čavoj from MaMaMove to help us prepare the program “Library in Motion,” offered in May. Patrik and Eva prepared a month-long program full of movement, inspiring lectures and workshops. In advertising the program, we wrote to our community “Dare to be with us.”

Two movement coaches, Patrik and Roman from Fit Factory Třinec , prepared a month-long series of lectures and workshops. Both are already well-known Třinec trainers in the field of fitness and strength training and movement of all kinds. They are the founders of a gym called Fit Factory Třinec and have decades of experience in sports and many years in coaching. Now they lead group and individual lessons focused on various types of physical training on a daily basis in their gym – from professional athletes to the general public.

The “library in motion” program series was preceded in April 2018 by an event by Eva Čavoj from MaMamove called MaMa Point – an inspiring meeting for all mothers on a “holiday”. But it was just a warm-up round. The May program was spectacular. A total of 13 meetings took place, all filled with movement and inspiration.

All events took place in the library and were completely free.

Author: Jan Delong

Lessons learned: Draw upon teenagers and other volunteers to help grow your library garden.

Tap into local businesses to help get your community moving.

Seek external funding to augment your efforts.