Cultivating the Relationship-driven library Planting Seeds start internally-build trust! think about groups/organizations your library represents use strong ties to build inter-organizational partnerships think about existing connections Nurturing the Seedlings: actively listen to your partner- basic small talk identify overlapping goals pitch your project idea Harvesting the bounty: assess and celebrate what was done via your relationships communicate success internally and externally- think strategically Resting the garden and prep for next year: reflect onchallenges, solutions, & partnerships document process and results think about sustaining and letting go of methods or partnerships

Step 4 – Rest and planning 

Step 4 – Resting the garden and preparing yourself and the soil for next season – is focused on reflecting on the journey you, your partners, and your community have been on. It is also focused on looking forward.

It is critical to take the time to complete this step, even though you may feel pressure to immediately move on to the next thing on your to-do list.

It is also critical to advocate for this time, for yourself, for your co-workers, for your partners, and for your community.

Sustaining yourself, your relationships, and your community requires time to reflect, rest, debrief, evaluate, and plan.

This step is also about long-term thinking, or moving from planting individual seeds to thinking through what you want your garden (and the environment/community around it) to look like 5, 10, 20 years into the future.

Questions to ask:

What legacy do we want to leave?

Where do we see the work we’re doing going in the long-term?

This image communicates what we are focused on in this stage. We are simultaneously looking backwards and looking forwards.

Looking back to seek to understand what just happened.

Looking forward to prepare ourselves for the ideas (seeds) we want to plant next season.

Mindfulness-evaluation continuum

Part of resting the garden is taking stock how things went — for you, for your partners, and for your community – as you went on your journey from seed to seedling to bounty.

Below are some techniques you and your partners can use to take stock and to help you get ready for the next thing you plant together.

You can take stock at multiple levels: as an individual, as a library, as a partnership, and as a community.

The main point here is to do what you can. If all you can do is take the time to reflect – to be mindful of what just occurred – that is OK.

If you and your partners have the resources to more formally evaluate what you did together, pursue that possibility.

Gardening tips:

Given the resources you and your partners have, what can you do to understand what you all did together?

Not everything always works out. It’s ok for some things to be annuals, rather than perennials.

Look back to look forward

In addition to taking stock of what was, you and your partners (and the wider community) want to look forward to what could be.

Do you want to plant the seed again? Try a new seed? Bring in new partners?

Gardening tips:

Looking forward can be exciting! As you’re looking forward make sure to always keep in mind what you and your library bring to the table, as well as your capacity challenges – as we discussed earlier in this toolkit being upfront about what you can and can not do is critical to building successful relationships!