Citation: Rockwell, L. (2004). The Busy Body Book: A Kid’s Guide to Fitness. New York: Crown Publishers.
Ages: 5 – 9
Grades: PreK – 3
Description: The Busy Body Book is a guide to healthy living and physical activity for children. The book depicts children doing various physical exercises and activities such as running, dancing, yoga, and sports. Rockwell also explains to children the importance of exercise and the parts of the body that it affects. The book also includes exercise guidelines for children at the end of the text.
Uses: The Busy Body Book is perfect for elementary programs and storytimes. Librarians and teachers can read the story to children and they can imitate the movements as the story progresses. The text can be read during programs on exercise, health, or sports.
Review Sources:
Jones, T.E., Toth, L., Charnizon, M., Grabarek, D., Larkins, J., & Yusko, S. (2004). The Busy Body Book: A Kid’s Guide to Fitness (Book). School Library Journal, 50(1), 121.
Rochman, H. (2003). The Busy Body Book: A Kid’s Guide to Fitness (Book). Booklist, 100(70), 681.
The Busy Body Book: A Kid’s Guide to Fitness (Book). (2004). Kirkus Reviews, 72(2), 88.
The Busy Body Book: A Kid’s Guide to Fitness (Book). (2004). Book Links, 13(4), 47.
Manczuk, S. (2005). The Busy Body Book. Library Media Connection, 23(4), 85.
Tags: non-fiction, exercise, health