What: OCLC/WebJunction Continuing Education Webinar
Date: October 22, 2020
Resources: Webinar homepage – registration link and additional information
One Step at a Time: How Libraries Can Promote Healthy, Thriving, and Livable Communities
Date: 10/22/2020 Time: 3:00 PM Eastern Time Format: Online Webinar
This webinar will highlight the multiple benefits of walking and walkable communities and how libraries can help lead community efforts.
During COVID-19 stay at home orders, improvements to air and water quality around the globe showed how changing our transportation practices could benefit the environment. We also know that physical activities, like walking, can help prevent chronic diseases and promote health. This webinar will highlight the multiple benefits of walking and walkable communities, and provide the information and inspiration you need to join the hundreds of public libraries around the country that are contributing to the development of healthy and resilient communities. Learn how to advocate for safe walking routes to your libraries, how to partner with parks and recreation, local transportation departments, and others committed to building safe, accessible, equitable places to walk and move.
Kate Kraft, Executive Director, America Walks
Noah Lenstra, Director, Let’s Move in Libraries
Mary Sizemore, Director, High Point Public Library (North Carolina)
Jeffrey T. Davis, Branch Manager at San Diego Public Library and author, The Collection All Around: Sharing Our Cities, Towns, and Natural Places (ALA Editions, 2017)