Citation: Whitford, R., & Selway, M. (2005). Little Yoga: A Toddler’s First Book of Yoga. New York: Henry Holt and Co.
Ages: 0-4
Grades: PreSchool
Description: Little Yoga: A Toddler’s First Book of Yoga, is an illustrated guide to simple yoga poses for young children. The book pairs drawings of children doing different poses with actual photos of children demonstrating each pose. The book also contains a note, with safety tips and advice to parents and adults who are interested in using yoga with toddlers.
Uses: Little Yoga: A Toddler’s First Book of Yoga can be used by librarians and teachers to demonstrate yoga poses to young children. While the book is not conducive to storytimes, it can be used in conjunction with another book, either in displays, or in a book talk. Librarians and teachers can suggest this title to adults and caregivers who are interested in yoga for their children.
Review Sources:
Engberg, G. (2005). Little Yoga: A Toddler’s First Book of Yoga. Booklist, 102(3), 60.
Tabuchi, D. (2005). Little Yoga: A Toddler’s First Book of Yoga. School Library Journal, 51(11), 122.
Talen, N. (2007). Little Yoga and Sleepy Little Yoga. Ascent Magazine, (35), 62-63.
Search Terms: yoga, animals, parents and children, differently-abled, non-fiction