Citation: Luby, T. (1998). Children’s book of yoga: games & exercises mimic plants & animals & objects. Santa Fe, N.M.: Clear Light Publishers.  

Ages:  9 and up

Grades: 2 and up

Description: Children’s Book of Yoga is a non-fiction text that provides instruction to children on to how to do different yoga poses. It begins with the easiest poses, and progresses through others, all centered around different plants, animals, and objects. The book also includes information as to the benefits of yoga, and important things to remember and consider when practicing yoga. Yoga topics covered in the different chapters include: breathing and relaxing, mountain pose, poses that resemble all kinds of birds, four-legged animals,  and desert creatures.

Uses:  The Children’s Book of Yoga can be used by teachers and librarians during yoga or activity specific programming. Teachers and librarians can pull activities from the different chapters into their storytime programs, in order to teach children different ways to be active. These activities can be used instead of traditional fingerplays or songs used to get students to shake out their wiggles. This book would also make an ideal display companion, as it teaches children yoga in a way that they can understand and practice on their own.

Review Sources: Lawler, B. (1998). Children’s Book of Yoga: Games & Exercises Mimic Plants & Animals & Objects. School Library Journal, 44(10):125.

Tags: yoga, animals, diversity, differently-abled