What: Monthly Webinar of America Walks, America’s largest non-profit focused on increasing walking and walkability

Date: April 15, 2020

Resources: Go to the America Walks webpage to sign up

Expanding and Developing New and Different Partnerships

Date: 4/15/2020 Time: 2:00 PM Eastern Time Format: Online Webinar – Click here to register.

For years, the walking movement has recognized the relationships between land use, transportation and health and has promoted cross disciplinary partnerships as essential to building safe, accessible, equitable places to walk and move. These partnerships have been fundamental to the designing, developing and place making of livable, walkable communities. With the increasing evidence of the multiple benefits of walkability, we have an opportunity to expand our partnerships further and broader. This webinar is intended for those just starting out on the walking path as well as those interested in learning more about the topic.

Attendees of this webinar will:
Learn new and different ideas for partnerships to create walkable communities
Give examples of creative strategies to promote safe, walkable spaces
Discuss new ways to engage the community around walkability

Presenters: Noah Lenstra, UNC at Greensboro Department of Library and Information Science, and director of Let’s Move in Libraries

Sponsor: America Walks

Cost: Free!!