Since the last newsletter, 81 public libraries have added information on programs they offer that encourage and foster physical activity for individuals of diverse ages and abilities.

Take a look at how public libraries throughout the U.S. and Canada create opportunities for individuals of all ages and abilities to move and to be active.

Here are some highlights from recent additions:

The Monterey Park Bruggemeyer Library offers two Music and Movement Story Times each week. In addition, Line dance and Tai Chi groups meet outside the library in the mornings. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation made a powerful video about these adult fitness groups. I encourage you all to watch this short, professionally produced video.

The Rossland Public Library in British Columbia offers Family Yoga on the library lawn (inside if it rains) Thursdays at 3pm in conjunction with the Rossland Mountain Market from June through September.

The Piedmont Public Library in West Virginia offers monthly pool parties for patrons in summer months. This year the last pool party of the summer will have a DJ, so there will also be dancing.

The Brown County Library (Central and Southwest Branch libraries), in Green Bay Wisconsin, in partnership with United Way’s Emerging Leaders, has created “Born Learning Trails” outside of the libraries. The trails feature 10 stations of simple early literacy activities for adult/child interaction (in English and Spanish).

Since 2012, Rye Public Library in New Hampshire has offered a Running and Reading program. In 2017, this library-sponsored running group has read Running the Rift by Naomi Benaron and Run the World by Becky Wade, and plans to read Why We Run by Bernd Heinrich.

The Montague Rotary Library in Prince Edward Island offers an Eco-Kids: Garden Club as part of summer reading, Tuesdays at 10 a.m. in July and August.

In my state of North Carolina, two public libraries recently received funding from the LSTA program to develop more active, outdoor programs. Chapel Hill Public Library will develop “an engaging, nature-based user experience for the community” and Charlotte Mecklenburg Library will develop a StoryWalk™ for Active Reading program in two local parks. Congratulations!

Finally, the website has been updated to reflect the fact that the Library of Virginia offers backpacks for public libraries to check out to patrons, and the province of Nova Scotia has enabled public libraries there to check out pedometers.

During June and July, 2017, the Let’s Move in Libraries project is incentivizing participation in efforts to map the current state of movement-based programs in public libraries. Those who add to or correct the directory will be entered into a raffle for one of five $50 Amazon gift cards, to be distributed in August 2017. To get started,  go to the website and look at your state/province/territory.  Please note that even if you filled out the survey this Spring, your library may not currently be listed in the directory. This is because we do not want to mis-represent your library. Please take a moment to make sure you are in the directory. If not, add your library using the form at the bottom of every page.

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 Subscribe to the Let’s Move in Libraries newsletter for monthly editions of success stories, educational opportunities, and food for thought that will deepen the impact of movement-based programs and services in public libraries. Also follow the project on Facebook and Twitter to stay up-to-date. The Let’s Move in Libraries project focuses on how public libraries create opportunities for individuals of all ages and abilities to engage in healthy physical activity.